We’re dedicated to providing the best low carbon heating system for smaller homes and multi-occupancy buildings, enabling developers, housebuilders, housing associations, private landlords and specifiers to cost-effectively meet their low carbon objectives and ensure households stay out of fuel poverty.
Heating accounts for a third of the UK’s carbon output.
As the UK moves towards its net zero emissions target, finding low-carbon ways to heat our homes and businesses is essential.
Ambion’s low carbon heat panels are ideal for households with limited available space for a high-performance heating solution – whether it’s a retrofit project, new build, or modular construction.
Reducing carbon emissions by 60% when compared with conventional systems, we have the technology for happier and healthier homes.
With a unique control system that uses constant dynamic pulsing to dramatically reduce energy usage and outperform conventional heating systems, our system helps reduce bills and minimise carbon emissions, benefiting everyone.
Plus, Ambion’s technology empowers users to stay in control of their system at all times – from room and surface temperatures, to the timer settings for each heat panel.
We know there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to heating in the UK, especially as we move closer to 2050 and a national target of net zero. This is why we always strive to work with our clients to provide the best heating systems for their needs.