Intelligent insights: how Ambion’s software boosts the benefits of infrared heat

Infrared heating has the potential to transform the way we heat homes and businesses across the UK – but when it comes to choosing a system, it’s important to remember that they’re not all created equal.

As a technology, infrared could play a vital role in the decarbonisation of heat. Infrared heaters are powered by electricity, which means they’re a low-carbon source of heat, and the myriad of other benefits they can provide makes infrared heating an ideal solution for both the people who use it and the planet.

As Ambion is the only computer-controlled system on the market, however, it takes the inherent benefits of infrared even further. So it’s even more…


Infrared heating systems are typically cheap to install, whether they’re being retrofitted into an existing building or installed within a new build, because they simply need wiring into the mains rather than plumbing in. So compared to other technologies, such as air source heat pumps, infrared heating typically requires less upfront capital to install. Studies have also shown that with infrared heat, a comfortable ambience can be achieved with air temperature at up to 3.5˚C lower than a conventional gas central heating system. This makes a significant difference to a user’s energy bills.

Ambion’s computer-controlled system takes the cost-saving benefits of infrared heat further because it runs for 24 hours a day, and only pulses electricity when necessary (often around 12 minutes in an hour). This means that Ambion has a relatively flat demand profile – it doesn’t turn up significantly during times of peak demand, like traditional heating does, so users can avoid these periods when electricity costs are higher. In fact, those on a flexible tariff can save over 20% of the cost of each unit of energy they use.

Ambion’s system also comes with a 10-year warranty – double that of a conventional boiler – and has a service life of 33 years, compared to a conventional boiler’s typical lifespan of 10-15 years, so users can rest assured that they won’t need to replace Ambion for a long time.


Infrared heat is intrinsically more effective than traditional central heating, as it heats the material within a room, rather than the air, which can escape from doors and windows.

Ambion’s unique software maximises this benefit of infrared by constantly monitoring each individual room and learning about its energy storage characteristics. Ambion uses what it learns about each room to adjust its phasing and pulsing routine, turning the heater up or down only when necessary to maintain the ambient temperature. This innovative approach optimises the system’s performance, meaning Ambion uses 60% less energy than conventional gas and direct electric central heating.

For users that are interested in infrared heat for its low-carbon properties, Ambion makes for an attractive option, as its superior performance levels enable users to minimise their heating emissions.


Many people opt for infrared heating because the heating experience feels more natural and comfortable. Infrared feels like standing in direct sunlight, and once the fabric of the room is saturated with energy, it emits a comfortable, radiant heat. Infrared can also reduce and prevent damp and improve the air quality within a building because unlike conventional convection heating, it’s not reliant on circulating air, so there’s typically less circulating dust. The natural heat and improved air quality infrared provides can create a much more comfortable living or working environment.

Ambion’s 24/7 operation means that it maintains a constant, ambient temperature throughout the day, and users can adjust this temperature up or down according to their own preferences, so they should stay comfortable throughout the day. This is particularly advantageous for those working from home, the elderly and families as it means they can benefit from round-the-clock heating at no extra cost. And as Ambion’s heaters have been designed to fit seamlessly into any home or business – they can even be covered by a picture – users can be sure that they won’t disrupt the aesthetic within their rooms.

Thinking about investing in infrared?

If you’re looking to bring the benefits of infrared heat to your home or business, there’s no better option than Ambion’s computer-controlled system. Our unique software enables Ambion to maximise infrared’s ability to provide low-carbon, low-cost, comfortable heat, making it the best-in-class solution for infrared heating.

To find out more about how the Ambion system works and how it could benefit you, call our team on 0333 188 0633 or email us at