Low-carbon know-how, Made in Britain

Ambion Heating has become a member of not-for-profit, Made in Britain

Ambion Heating becomes a certified Made in Britain member

It’s no secret that at Ambion Heating we’re passionate about the future of low-carbon heating. We want to heat UK homes better, providing concrete solutions to decarbonise new and existing buildings, while helping tackle the fuel poverty crisis that’s affecting the country.

To do that, it’s essential that we contribute to the development of skills and know-how on how to fast track the UK’s net zero ambitions, turning visions into reality.

The need for net zero know-how

The UK’s commitment to creating a carbon neutral energy system by 2035 is among the most ambitious in the world. However, there is a big challenge standing between us and carbon neutrality: skills. 

The UK Government has identified a massive skills gap in jobs that will contribute to a greener economy, with 135,000 to 725,000 new positions needing to be filled by 2030. To address this, in 2020 it launched the Green Jobs Taskforce, an organisation gathering members from industry, trade unions and education to set the direction for the job market as we transition to a low-carbon economy.

Other organisations, such as the Energy & Utility Skills Group or the Renewable Energy Association (REA), provide training and resources to help upskill the UK workforce and plug the skills gap currently affecting the energy sector.

How Ambion Heating is helping

While these efforts are important, at Ambion Heating we believe every organisation should do its part to contribute to the UK’s low-carbon know-how. 

“Ambion Heating is renowned for its commitment to advancing knowledge in low-carbon heating technologies,” commented our CEO, Oliver Baker. “For example, we’re a chosen partner to The Future Home, which is part of the University of Salford’s Energy House 2.0 project to research the most effective technologies to decarbonise future homes.” 

Our commitment to creating low-carbon know-how extends beyond our products, with our team having deep expertise in the energy and heating sectors. That’s why we’re delighted that our commitment to the future of UK heating has officially been recognised by Made in Britain, a not-for-profit aimed at supporting and promoting manufacturers who produce in Britain. 

As a recent member of Made in Britain, Ambion Heating has been acknowledged as a business supporting the national economy by keeping the majority of its value chain in our country. The Made in Britain trademark also certifies that we share the internationally recognised organisation’s principles in terms of environmental and social responsibilities. 

A shared commitment to social value

One of the reasons why we’re so proud of our recent membership is that Ambion Heating and Made in Britain share a common vision for British organisations’ environmental and social responsibility. 

Just like us, Made in Britain is committed to “promote high quality employment, responsible business and sustainable economic growth.” This includes supporting the growth of know-how and jobs in the green economy space, something that Ambion is proud to champion. 

With a team of experts in low-carbon energy technologies and several innovative projects in the decarbonisation space, we’re looking forward to contributing to the decarbonisation of the UK housing industry. We also aim to educate housing providers on the need for sustainable heating solutions that are affordable and increase residents’ comfort.

“We strongly believe that our commitment to the future of low-carbon heating is something that will contribute to our national economy and the growth of know-how and expertise in the sector,” concludes Oliver. “We hope achieving the  Made in Britain trademark will further reinforce our position, and that it will create new opportunities to work with like-minded organisations.”

To learn more about our low-carbon heating solutions and how they’re helping decarbonise Britain’s housing, take a look at our case studies: https://ambionheating.com/case-studies/.